Dominique Liew

Dominique Liew graduated from SCEGGS Darlinghurst in 2021. Her works capture her interpretation of the natural forms. This reflects the uniqueness inherent in both superficial and structural aspects of natural phenomena.


With the opportunity to receive the Ashley Marie Marcos Award which allowed her to complete a short NAS course in 2020, Dominique was able to experiment and develop her love for colour and employment of mixed media materials, including paint, ink and charcoal.


Dominique subscribes to the Fauvist philosophy of ‘how it feels, not looks like’, by manipulating the aesthetic qualities of painting using non-descriptive colours and expressive brushstrokes. Thus, her works illustrate her subjective interpretation of the natural landscape and mankind’s deep-rooted, emotional connection to it.

Click on individual artworks to view full details (title, media, size & cost).